Before leaving town we both had a spectacular breakfast from the street vendors in Rungwa. I had rice beans and chips and eggs. Shortly into the day we met two other cyclists named Mo and Mary. We have not seen any other touring cyclists in weeks. They seemed just as excited to meet us as we were to meet them. We cycled with them for the remainder of the day and we all camped together. They are from Germany and Poland and proudly identify themselves as gypsies. Both work for 2 months out of every year at a winery and spending the rest of their time on the road typically spending less than $5 per day traveling.
We stopped in a small town for lunch and to obtain water for camping. Here you see a local drawing water for us from the Kisima (“well” in swahili) with a bucket and rope.
A tobacco plantation. The small building is used for drying the tobacco.
We cooked dinner and slept here. Sharing stories over a fire, we listened to Mary play her ukulele and sing a few songs in Polish and German.