Attempted escape from Alexandria we packed everything up and got out of the hotel by noon. We found a beach and payed entry fees so we could jump in theĀ Mediterranean Sea before leaving Alexandria. we used a bike phone application to plot our course to Cairo. It took us about an hour and a half to ride along the waterfront promenade corniche which had bumper to bumper traffic. We rode through a large market place and past a vendor selling porcelain toilets on the side of the street which seemed out of place. As it was getting dark the road turned and paralleled a small canal and transitioned to dirt. it soon became rough going with many bumps and ruts which made travel slow. we had to bike around a dump truck which was spewing wet mud (freshly excavated from the canal) all over the road. a man named Ebrahim drove up on a motorcycle and told us the route we were taking was not good and he knew a better route. He escorted us back to Alexandria on the highway and showed us how to get onto the Alexandria Cairo desert road in the morning. we attempted camping in a green yard next to a supermarket but were told to pack up by security an hour after setting up. And wound up in a hotel. as with most of the hotels we have stayed, I had to insist on bringing our bikes into the hotel room.
Pounds with Free Range Honky
Fitting my bike in a tiny elevator